eric koza’s Profile
![eric koza]( )
Sports is life
My Courses
College Algebra and Trigonometry
An intermediate and advanced algebra course. Topics include quadratic equations, systems of linear equations, exponential and logarithmic functions; topics from trigonometry, including identities, equations and solutions of triangles.
This course addresses the theory and application of law and procedure in civil litigation with emphasis on New York State law. It focuses on the role of the paralegal in preparing for litigation, including an understanding of the court system, steps in the litigation process and their time lines, drafting documents, trial and post-trial topics, and an introduction to the use of the computer in litigation. Prerequisites are CUNY proficiency in reading and writing; pre- or corequisites are LAW 1101 and ENG 1101. Three credits.
ENGD434, ENGD466, ENGD484, Comp 2, FA2019
This class aims to build upon your skills as a writer, reader, thinker, research, and composer in a 21st century context. The class will practice close reading and will learn how to approach, read, think about, and compose texts from a variety of genres. We will also critically engage what it means to write about, within, and through community. The class will involve assignments that allow us to engage with many types of media and we will explore issues and problems that matter to us in our modern world. We will be able to develop our own ideas about writing that we can take with us into future academic and professional experiences. Students will engage in class discussion to strengthen critical thinking and develop the language to respond to a wide variety of texts, ideas, and societal issues. Above all, we will apply critical thinking to all of the various texts that we read, write, and compose.
My Projects
An Open Education Resource laboratory manual for Biology
My Clubs
eric koza hasn't created or joined any clubs yet.