Erick Bueno’s Profile

Active 5 months ago
1 to 3 (of 3)

MAT1475 – Ganguli – Fall 2023

Suman Ganguli
MAT1475|Fall 2023

A first course in differential calculus. Topics include functions, limits, the definition of the derivative, differentiation rules, tangent lines, L’Hôpital’s Rule, and applications of the derivative.



Lisa Cole
1101|Spring 2021

Composition l

Self-Help Literature (Spring 2022)

Self-Help Literature (Spring 2022)

Jill Belli
ENG 3402|Spring 2022

“This course explores a specific idea or theme in English-language literature. Discussion and analysis of texts related to the course topic. Topics change each semester and have included humor, vampires and z […]