Eldwin’s Profile

Active 1 years, 11 months ago
1 to 4 (of 4)

Anime Gaming Underground

Anime & Gaming Underground is a social club where people who are interested in animation, Japanese anime, animation/anime card games (such as: Magic and Yu-Gi-Oh), roll playing games, and video/computer games can […]

Citytech E-Sports Club

Citytech E-Sports Club

The Citytech E-Sports club is a community that bring students together who have an interest in competitive gaming and gaming in general. The club aims to build a community where students can socialize, compete and […]

ACF Student Club

American Culinary Federation (ACF) Student Club is dedicated to sharing professional knowledge and skill with both members and nonmembers. Our mission is to provide opportunities that further the culinary […]

Student Government Association

The Student Government Association is the representative body for students. We are responsible for recommending student activity fee allocations, shaping policies affecting student life, coordinating […]