Doreen Wright’s Profile
COMD Communication Design Internship Coordination Site
This site is designed to help you find fieldwork/study situations of approximately eight hours per week at an internship site approved by the Department Internship instructor such as an advertising agency, graphic […]
- OpenOpen
COMD3500 FA2018 – Prof Alta Tseng
This course is an in-depth exploration of the creative advertising campaign and related media. Working individually and/or in teams, students will research, develop creative concepts and design packaged goods and […]
- CloneableCloneable
English 1121:: The real-time laboratory for persuasive writers and speakers
Strong and confident writers who are comfortable marrying content and form graduate from this course, which focuses on essay writing while building analytical-reading and critical-thinking skills.
- OpenOpen
COMD4900 Internship HE98 Spring 2020 Goetz
Student is assigned to find fieldwork/study situations of approximately eight hours per week at an internship site approved by the Department Internship instructor. Approved Sites include advertising agencies, […]
- CloneableCloneable
COMD 3523 – E 240 Storyboard Concepts Fall 2018
The storyboard is used as a tool for production or to assist in the selling of ideas to clients. The emphasis in this class is on story, idea and development. Students will design and present storyboards for topics […]
ARCH3522 Hist NYC Arch, FA2017
A historical analysis of the city’s infrastructure, real estate development, municipal planning and ordinances and key building using the comparative method. The development of a megalopolis. Tracing the course […]
- OpenOpen
3610_Interactive Art Direction for Advertising: ”Yada”_Steven Nasi
Learning real good.
CDMG 3532 Print Production for Designers
A journey, an adventure, a path for creative thinkers, graphic designers to take to be prepared for real world situations, regarding print, printing and the re-birth of the printing trades.
- OpenOpen
COMD#1292 Section#D164 Fall2015
Principles of three-dimensional design. Course covers an analysis of form and space. Topics include: hollow forms both geometric and organic; architectonic organization of space; light and shadow; geometric […]
- OpenOpen
ADV1103 Foundation Drawing, Fall14_Wed
This drawing course introduces basic concepts, tools, techniques and the role of drawing in design, illustration, animation and games. The course will also cover projection systems, plans, elevations, sections, […]
- OpenOpen
A variety of basic layouts and formats are introduced, building technical and practical fluency in setting and working with type for both print and screen. This course further explores topics learned in COMD1167 […]
- OpenOpen
Graphic Principles 1 ADV 1100 Fall 2014
This hands on mixed media course explores the basic principles of design and develops fluency in the visual lexicon.
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