Deondre Marcelle’s Profile

Active 3 months, 1 weeks ago
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THE2280ID, History of Theatre (D273), SP2024

Christopher Swift, Anne Leonhardt
THE2280 ID|Spring 2024

A survey of the development of architectural and scenic styles in the physical structure of theatre from its beginnings in ancient Greece to its most current forms. Emphasis placed on the stylistic influences of […]

MAT 1375 Model Course

Jonas Reitz
MAT1375|Spring 2021

This model course is designed for use by faculty teaching MAT 1375 on the OpenLab – it includes a number of resources and sample assignments to help you get started. If you are a faculty member, you can ”clone […]

MAT 1375 OL 91 Fall 2020

Lili Grigorian
MAT1375|Fall 2020

This is a 4 credit course. Topics include an in-depth study of functions such as polynomial functions, radical functions, rational functions, trigonometric functions, exponential and logarithmic functions; […]