Diane Figueroa’s Profile

Active 2 years, 2 months ago
Diane Figueroa
Display Name
Diane Figueroa
Major Program of Study
Architectural Technology

Change the world one building at a time.

My Courses

ARCH2431.BT3 Fall 2021

ARCH2431.BT3 Fall 2021

AR2431.BT3 Class Fall 2021

ARCH.2431.Btech 3 – Fall 2019 – Prof. Paul King

ARCH.2431.Btech 3 – Fall 2019 – Prof. Paul King

Building Technology III

ARCH3610 Design VI, SP2017

ARCH3610 Design VI, SP2017

This is an Advanced Design studio with an emphasis on a more complex building organization. The primary emphasis is in the further development and exploration of design principles involved in creating appropriate architecture, focusing on the integration of program, context, site, composition and space planning.

ARCH 2330 – SPRING 2015 – King

ARCH 2330 – SPRING 2015 – King

Building Tech 3

My Projects

ARCH 2330 Team #3

ARCH 2330 Team #3

This project contains all the work and information produced by the members that are part of the team.

My Clubs

Diane Figueroa hasn't created or joined any clubs yet.