tseten432’s Profile

Active 4 years, 2 months ago
Display Name
Major Program of Study
Architectural Technology

My Courses

ARCH3590 Introduction to Computation and Fabrication Spring 2014

ARCH3590 Introduction to Computation and Fabrication Spring 2014

This course, taught by Prof. Leonhardt and myself, is an introduction to digital fabrication. It will explore the qualities of materials such as wood, concrete, and plastics in the context of computational design and digital fabrication thinking and techniques. Projects will provide students with experience in the use of a variety of tools, equipment, concepts, and emerging digitally-driven technologies, including parametric rule-based design, subtractive fabrication, assembly techniques, and iterative design processes



An in-depth study and survey of some the various construction assemblies employed in the construction industry. The course focuses on architectural detailing as it applies to the use of materials, material assemblies and their components in the construction of buildings. Details of floor, interior and exterior walls, roof and foundation assemblies including materials and their responses to the elements and building loads are explored.

ARCH 3610 Spring 2018

ARCH 3610 Spring 2018

Profs. Paul King and Jill Bouratoglou M/W 12:00- 3:20pm V0811

Introduction to Revit

Introduction to Revit

This hands-on, lab-based seminar presents an overview of Autodesk’s Revit platform, including architecture, structure, and MEP along with key concepts of BIM and Revit. The curriculum, includes an in-depth exploration of the Revit interface. Views selection methods, levels and grid, walls, doors, windows, and components, modification commands and load family, floors, ceilings, and stairs, and type and instance parameters will be manipulated for existing project. Students will import CAD drawings to convert to Revit geometry, understand the project browser and type properties palettes, add sheets, insert views onto sheets, add dimensions and text to the mode, and set up the file for plotting. Bring a blueprint or project file to the first class. It will be developed into a revit model.

ARCH2310 Design III Sp2016

ARCH2310 Design III Sp2016

This course is an exploration of abstract architectural design theory in the expression of three-dimensional space. The creation of comprehensive architectural design projects are developed following a building program and incorporating elements of site, enclosure, structure, material and technology. Design concepts and vocabulary are introduced and strengthened through design projects. A juried presentation will take place at the completion of each project.

My Projects

Roebling D & H Canal

Roebling D & H Canal

Roebling D & H Canal

ARCH 2330 Team #3

ARCH 2330 Team #3

This project contains all the work and information produced by the members that are part of the team.

My Clubs

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