David Flores’s Profile

Active 4 weeks ago
David Flores
Display Name
David Flores
Major Program of Study
Communication Design

Hi ! My name is David Flores. I am from Queens, New York. I’m a student at New York City College of Technology. My major is Communication Design. I led towards communication design because I like to be creative. It allows me to express myself by just drawing my ideas out. I really like to sketch a lot of things like plants, food, logos and even people. On my time off I really tend to go out for a walk a lot because it really distracts me from what’s going on around me. It’s an escape to me where I can think things clearly. I also bring my dog along with me too. But besides going out I really like to spend time with my friends/family and listen to music and watch series. Overall, What I tend to get from college is to improve my skills and get a career / opportunities in what I really like to do, which is design.

My Courses

COMD3505 Special Topics in Graphic Design, SP2024

COMD3505 Special Topics in Graphic Design, SP2024

This course offers rotating topics in the graphic design field. Current topics include signage and way-finding systems, exhibition design, lettering, experimental typography, typeface design and others. (Students can take this twice with a different topic.)

COMD3504 Communication Design Theory Goetz Fall 23

COMD3504 Communication Design Theory Goetz Fall 23

An in-depth introduction to communication design theory, this course examines theoretical perspectives of design practice within the larger discourse of design and visual culture. Communication models, the nature of representation, the dimensions of context, and semiotics are explored through critical readings in key documents from the early decades of the twentieth century to the present.

THE2280ID, History of Theatre (HD01 and HD02), SP2023

THE2280ID, History of Theatre (HD01 and HD02), SP2023

A survey of the development of architectural and scenic styles in the physical structure of theatre from its beginnings in ancient Greece to its most current forms. Emphasis placed on the stylistic influences of theoreticians and artistic movements. Interdisciplinary Option: This course is a conversation between theater history and architecture. As such, the work in class focuses on purpose-built and adapted spaces for live performance. Each week we will examine historical theatre spaces and technologies in the context of prevailing cultural and social forces in order to better understand audience/stage relationships. To fulfill the interdisciplinary requirements for this course, specialists from architecture, art history, and performance technology will guest lecture six times over the course of the semester.Students will learn skill-sets from architecture technology: GIS mapping and hand sketching. Avatar image credit: Filippo Brunelleschi, Perspective Drawing for Church of Santo Spirito in Florence, 1428



This course offers an extensive introduction to the technical and aesthetic practice of Photography.

ENG 1121-OL54

ENG 1121-OL54

Every City Tech (and CUNY) student takes Composition 2, which features reading and writing assignments that will help prepare you for college and beyond. Together we will work on communicating effectively, building an argument, adapting your writing for different needs and situations, interpreting and responding to a text, incorporating and citing secondary source material. We will be reading pieces both for their inherent literary and informational value and also as models for our own writing projects. Sharing your own ideas and experiences and adding your voice to our discussions will enrich our class community.

My Projects

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