Oliver M’s Profile

Active 2 years ago
Oliver M
Display Name
Oliver M
Major Program of Study
Computer Systems Technology

My Courses

ENG1101 FYLC,FA2018

ENG1101 FYLC,FA2018

This First Year Learning Community includes CST 1100 (Intro to Computer Systems), CST 1102 (Problem Solving with Computer Programming), and ENG 1101 (English Composition I), and is designed to leverage all three courses to produce an Interactive Fiction game prototype and a Game Design Document. It’s all about story-telling — characters, their world, and their interactions with that world in a non-linear narrative of our own creation.

ENG1101 Blain First Year Comp, FA2015

ENG1101 Blain First Year Comp, FA2015

This course focuses on effective essay writing and basic research techniques, including use of the library. Demanding readings are assigned for classroom discussion and as a basis for essay writing.

My Projects



New York City prioritizes wealthy neighborhoods over poor neighborhoods. The quality of public lighting indicates which neighborhoods are more important to the city. In other words, the built environment reflects quality perceptions. The ability of light to characterize space as appealing or unappealing exacerbates already existing divides between rich and poor. It maintains the negative stigma associated with public housing and other low-income areas.

My Clubs

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