dawa lama’s Profile

My Courses
This laboratory course is a co-requisite for General Chemistry – 1110. One three hour laboratory meeting per week and a total of 15 meetings per semester.
ARTH 1103 Survey of Art History
A History of Art and Architecture from the Prehistoric Era to the Present
ARTH 1102 History of Art: Renaissance to Modern
Survey of Western Art from 1300 to the Present
Prof. Goodlad Leads students through an historical introduction to fermented beverages throughout the world. Study of beverage making and tasting procedures including jargon particular to the beverage trade.
LIB2205ID Learning Places SP18
This special topics course offers an interdisciplinary approach to investigating our built environment using a case study focused on a specific place each semester. This course combines physical examination with information research and data collection using methodologies developed in multiple disciplines. Students from a variety of departments engage in on-site exploration and in-depth research of a location in New York City.
My Projects
Preventing Workplace Injuries in Hotel Housekeeping
In this project I’ll be looking at the problems and some common causes of workplace injuries and explores methods of prevention that can be used effectively by hotels.
My Clubs
dawa lama hasn't created or joined any clubs yet.