David A Perez’s Profile

Active 6 years, 7 months ago
David A Perez
Display Name
David A Perez
Major Program of Study
Communication Design
Academic interests

Graphic Design,

My Courses

COMD1167-D146 Type & Media, SP2017

COMD1167-D146 Type & Media, SP2017

This is a foundation course in typography with an emphasis on using type for a multiple of industry related applications ranging from print to interactive. Students will be introduced to principles of type design and terminology including: variations of type structure, anatomy, font usage, grid, leading, kerning, tracking and alignment. Students will learn industry standard software such as InDesign on the Macintosh operating system.

ARTH1112 Intro to Film S2016

ARTH1112 Intro to Film S2016

INTRODUCTION TO FILM: ARTH 1112 3 class hours, 3 credits An introduction to the history of film from its beginnings in the late nineteenth century to the present. Through illustrated lectures, selected screenings, and discussion, students will develop a historical appreciation of film genres including narrative, documentary, and experimental, and of the legacy of major filmmakers. Changing styles and techniques are outlined chronologically to examine the relationship between film and the visual arts

COMD1167 Type & Media, SP2018

COMD1167 Type & Media, SP2018

This is a foundation course in typography with an emphasis on using type for a multiple of industry related applications ranging from print to interactive. Students will be introduced to principles of type design and terminology including: variations of type structure, anatomy, font usage, grid, leading, kerning, tracking and alignment. Students will learn industry standard software such as InDesign on the Macintosh operating system.

CDMG 1230 Print Technologies Spring 2017

CDMG 1230 Print Technologies Spring 2017

This course will study the evolution of printing from historical and technical perspectives.

ENG 2000 E222 Perspectives in Lit SP2015

ENG 2000 E222 Perspectives in Lit SP2015

A survey of literature, introducing common themes in several genres of American and British literature.

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