Crystal Pichardo’s Profile

Active 2 years, 5 months ago
1 to 2 (of 2)
Self-Help Literature (ENG 3402: Topics in Literature)

Self-Help Literature (ENG 3402: Topics in Literature)

Jill Belli
3402|Spring 2021

Do you dream of having more happiness, success, or love? Of getting better grades, jobs, relationships, or sleep? If so, you are not alone! Countless people want more from their lives and from others, and they turn […]

ANTH 1102 Witchcraft, Magic, Religion OER Prof Pope Fischer

Lisa Pope Fischer
ANTH 1102

People rely on religion and various belief systems to bring meaning and understanding to everyday life. This course will show how anthropologists unravel and interpret cultural belief systems to gain insight into […]