37337’s Profile

Active 8 years, 9 months ago
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Academic interests

Quantum Physics; The Universe, man



My Courses

ENT4900/4901-F15 Internships

ENT4900/4901-F15 Internships

For ENT Majors: work experience at a professional scenery fabrication shop, rental/supply house, off- Broadway theater, or any related industry organization approved by the adviser. For Emerging Media Tech Majors, work experience at a design firm, media electronics firm, media software firm, robotics firm, entertainment or media production firm, or any related industry organization approved by the adviser. This will serve to bridge the student’s academic and commercial careers by giving the him/her professional work experience and industry contacts before the end of the senior year. Each student will keep a log/journal to be shared in group seminars. Supervision will be by faculty and a manager at the internship site. Prerequisite: ENT 4410 or ENT 4450 or ENT 4470 or ENT 4480 or Pre- or corequisite: MTEC 3800



In order to become innovative and daring technological leaders in your chosen fields, it is imperative each of you develop a broad understanding of the economic, social, and cultural forces shaping emerging technologies over and beyond the basic mechanics of how these technologies work. Without this foundation, narrow technical background may result skill sets that easily become out of date. The accelerated pace of change merits facility with discussions of the historical, social and cultural contexts of technological evolution. This foundation course will prepare you for research in the emerging technologies of your chosen fields by supplying the necessary background theory, context and methodology. This foundation course will prepare you for research in the emerging technologies of you chosen fields by supplying the necessary background theory, context and methodology. Since the course does not require particular technological skills and experience, students of diverse technological programs will be able to take part in it.

MTEC2120 Interaction Design, FA2014

MTEC2120 Interaction Design, FA2014

The course gives a nontraditional approach to the articulation of design techniques for human interaction with computer interfaces. Students will be introduced to the theories, models, and frameworks for designing interaction with sound, screen, objects, and environments. Sketching and prototyping for future media will happen through a visual programing paradigm called Max/MSP/Jitter.

Ins and Outs Of Physical Computing

Ins and Outs Of Physical Computing

An introduction to interactive technology with a focus on how we use technology to express ourselves and interact with our environment. This class will combine a hands-on exploration of sensors and microcontrollers with concepts of interaction design employing a structured design process. Students will work on creative group projects and provide on-line documentation of their work. An array of sensing technologies from simple switches to video tracking will be introduced. Students will use the simple programming of microcontrollers to process incoming data from sensors.



Through the examination of the earliest gestures of cave drawings to sophisticated multimedia narratives, students study the ingredients and structures necessary for compelling storytelling. Observing the linear and non-linear narrative techniques and archetypes used in diverse mediums, such as, graphic novels, games, virtual worlds, music, cinema, social networks, and live performance, we uncover the influences and connections between each modality. Through hands-on projects, students produce visual, auditory, written and integrated sequences using animation, video, sound, music, text, and dialogue.

My Projects

Underwater ROV Team

Underwater ROV Team

the purpose of this project is to create a non-teathered remote controlled underwater ROV with a mechanical arm capable of retrieving important stuff!

My Clubs

Philosophy Club

Philosophy Club

What is this philosophy-stuff all about? Come watch some philosophy videos and engage in a little philosophy talk! Philosophers and non-philosophers welcome.

Alternative Thinktank

Alternative Thinktank

Broad-spectrum & focused exploration of international & local politics, anthropology, sociology, psychology, alternative history, finance, technology, medicine/biotech, resource management, philosophy, spirituality, consciousness, Egyptology, ufology, the occult.