Noha Elkallini’s Profile

Active 3 years, 1 months ago
Noha Elkallini
Display Name
Noha Elkallini
Major Program of Study

My name is Noha Elkallini and my major is nursing. I was born in Egypt and came to the states when I was 3-years old. I currently reside in New York. My academic Internets I can say is related to my major, however, I do find interest in reading about historic events and watching drama series from different countries. My favorite boxer of all time I can say is Muhammad Ali and civil rights activist Malcolm X.

My Courses



English 2002 is an introduction to drama, a course in which we will study plays written during several historical periods drawing from many cultural traditions. We will approach plays as works of art, reading, discussing, analyzing, and writing about the texts so that we become acquainted with dramatic conventions and elements such as plot, character, theme, dialogue, conflict, setting, scene, rhetorical and linguistic devices, music and costume, and dramatic forms such as tragedy and comedy.

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