mora94’s Profile

Active 8 years, 2 months ago
1 to 7 (of 7)
ARTH 1103 Survey of Art History

ARTH 1103 Survey of Art History

Michael J. McAuliffe

A History of Art and Architecture from the Prehistoric Era to the Present

ARCH 1121 A History of Architecture……Fall 2012 Mishara

Barbara Smith Mishara
Architectural T...|ARCH 1121|Fall 2012

An exploration of architecture from prehistory to 1900. This semester we also focus on the origins and growth of cities. For our final project we will use the archives of the Brooklyn Historical Society to study […]

ARCH2330 Btech3 FA14

Prof. Paul King
Architectural T...|ARCH 2330|Fall 2014

Building Technology IIII

ARCH4710 Urban Design, FA2015

J A Montgomery, Michael Duddy
Architectural T...|4710|Fall 2015

This design course will cover a range of urban and architectural design issues. Students will explore both the theoretical and pragmatic aspects of design applied in an urban environment. As an advanced design […]


Anne Leonhardt
Architectural T...|ARCH1210/ARCH1291|Spring 2013

Design Foundation and Visual Studies are integrally linked courses. Many of the projects feed on the knowledge derived from the paired course. This site contains course assignments, student work examples, […]

ARCH4830 Design 8, SP2016

ARCH4830 Design 8, SP2016

Professor Phillip Anzalone AIA
Architectural T...

Course Template to be copied for generation of future courses.

ARCH3522 NYC Arch, SP2014

Robert Zagaroli 3rd
Architectural T...|ARCH3522|Spring 2014

A historical analysis of the city’s infrastructure, real estate development, municipal planning and ordinances and key building using the comparative method. The development of a megalopolis. (more to come…)