Christina Gangadyal’s Profile
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My Courses
American Government, Alexander Sections
This is the introductory course in American Government, with the main focus on the national level but some attention to state and local levels as well. This OpenLab site contains course materials as well as links to news sites and a discussion board to exchange ideas. Please keep disagreements friendly, and please keep in mind that our main purpose is more to analyze than to react and fume. When the course is over, as long as you still have an OpenLab account at City Tech, you are invited to continue posting on this discussion board. To access course materials, click “Visit Course Site” at the right of this page.
ENG 1121 Composition II (D418), Spring 2018
Through an exploration of various genres of literature, this course aims to strengthen and sharpen students’ critical reading and writing skills beyond the level achieved in English 1101.
MEDU1010 Foundations of Math Ed, FA2018
This course examines the historical, philosophical, and sociological foundations underlying the development of American educational institutions. The role of the schools, the aims of education, diverse learners, the mathematics curriculum in New York State, legal principles that affect education, and the role of state, local, and federal agencies will be emphasized.
ENG 2001 Introduction to Fiction Spring 2019
This course will introduce you to the art of fiction through an exploration of dystopian fiction that has seen renewed popularity and interest in the 21st century.
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