Christo’s Profile

Active 5 years, 2 months ago
1 to 4 (of 4)

MECH3550 Simulation and Visualization OER

Prof. Swanson
MECH3550|Fall 2022

An Advanced Course related to Simulating, Visualizing, and Modeling using multiple different software.

ECON2505ID Env Econ, SP2019 HD23

Sean MacDonald
ECON 2505|Spring 2019

This interdisciplinary course examines current environmental issues from a macroeconomic perspective, focusing on both the long and short-term economic viability of various proposals to address current […]

MECH4700 D570 Fluid Mechanics, Summer I 2019

Masato R. Nakamura, Eng.Sc.D.
MECH4700|Summer 2019

Fluid Mechanics

ENG 1101, D305, Fall 2015

Kara Hughes
English|ENG 1101|Fall 2015

An introduction to all phases of the writing process, including pre-writing, composition, editing, and revision. Our papers will be written in three rhetorical modes (process, narrative, and argument) and will […]