Chloe Smolarski’s Profile

Active 1 month, 2 weeks ago
Chloe Smolarski
Display Name
Chloe Smolarski
Adjunct Professor
Entertainment Technology

Chloe Smolarski is media maker, documentarian and educator.

Work Phone
917 861 4881

My Courses

MTEC 3140 Topics and Perspectives in EmergingTechnology SP24

MTEC 3140 Topics and Perspectives in EmergingTechnology SP24

An introduction to the study and analysis of emerging technologies and how this relates to and informs practical process. Students will examine how technologies have evolved historically and develop perspectives on how they would best be developed in the future. Core themes include: the history of information, human-technology interaction, digital technology and culture, and the ethical and social implications of new technologies as the world faces unprecedented precarity. Conceptual frameworks in the field of New Media and Studies of Emerging Technology will be explored through a series of readings, and screenings as we consider technology’s broader implications on society, ethics, and cultural production. Through the application of close reads, critical analysis and discussion; students will write and create multi module projects that investigate key concerns surrounding emerging technology and how these concerns apply to their own media practices. This class will function as an incubator, which nurtures discussion, multiple forms of writing and the sharing of ideas.

MTEC 1001 –  Game Design and Media Skills – Sp 2024

MTEC 1001 – Game Design and Media Skills – Sp 2024

This 3-hour lab consists of workshops that offer supportive instruction and training in various software programs, digital tools, and platforms. These workshops are introductions to the programs and tools for digital imaging, graphics, video, sound, and interactive design. The workshops are designed to scaffold technical and design skills while fostering a culture of sustainable learning communities. Students are expected to complete a series of guided assignments that cultivate media production skillsets, to be used while learning the skills to develop assets for digital storytelling, game studies and interactive design. These skills are also critical for professional presentation and documentation of interactive work. Active class participation is required as well as timely completion of assignments. Students will be issued a google folder where all work and reflections will be uploaded in a timely manner. Students must also reflect on each assignment in writing and discuss their ideas and challenges. To successfully complete the course, students must upload all assignments to their assigned folder and actively participate in critiques and class challenges.

Top & Perspect in Emerg Tech (Lecture)

Top & Perspect in Emerg Tech (Lecture)

An introduction to the study and analysis of emerging technologies and how this relates to and informs practical process. Students will examine how technologies have evolved historically and develop perspectives on how they would best be used in the future. Major topics will include media and computing history, human-computer interaction, computers and culture, and the ethical and social implications of new technologies. Conceptual frameworks in the field of New Media and Studies of Emerging Technology will be explored through a series of readings, which include articles, books and essays that explore technology and its broader implications on society, ethics and cultural production. Through the application of close reads, critical analysis and discussions students will write and create multimodule projects about contemporary issues surfacing around emerging technology and how they apply to their own media production and consumption. This class will function as an incubator, which nurtures discussion, multiple forms of writing and the sharing of ideas.

MTEC 1001 –  Game Design and Media Skills Fall 2023

MTEC 1001 – Game Design and Media Skills Fall 2023

This 3-hour lab consists of workshops that offer supportive instruction and training in various software programs, digital tools, and platforms. These workshops are introductions to the programs and tools for digital imaging, graphics, video, sound, and interactive design. The workshops are designed to scaffold technical and design skills and foster a culture of sustainable learning communities. Students are expected to complete a series of guided assignments that cultivate media production skillsets, to be used while developing assets for digital storytelling, game studies and interactive design. Active class participation is required as well as timely completion of assignments. Students will be maintaining Open lab portfolio blogs in which they post all assignments. Students must also reflect on each post and discuss in writing their ideas and challenges in completing the assignment. The class is portfolio-based. In order to complete the course successfully, students must upload all assignments to their Open lab portfolio and actively participate in critiques and class challenges.

Topics & Perspectives in Emerging Technologies – MTEC 3140 – HD40

Topics & Perspectives in Emerging Technologies – MTEC 3140 – HD40

An introduction to the study and analysis of emerging technologies and how this relates to and informs practical process. Students will examine how technologies have evolved historically and develop perspectives on how they would best be used in the future. Major topics will include media and computing history, human-computer interaction, computers and culture, and the ethical and social implications of new technologies. Conceptual frameworks in the field of New Media and Studies of Emerging Technology will be explored through a series of readings, which include articles, books and essays that explore technology and its broader implications on society, ethics and cultural production. Through the application of close reads, critical analysis and discussions students will write and create multimodule projects about contemporary issues surfacing around emerging technology and how they apply to their own media production and consumption. This class will function as an incubator, which nurtures discussion, multiple forms of writing and the sharing of ideas.

My Projects

Dynamics | Dubouskaya

Dynamics | Dubouskaya

my culmination project website.

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Chloe's Friends

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