Conroy Cui’s Profile

Active 8 years, 2 months ago
Conroy Cui
Display Name
Conroy Cui
Major Program of Study
Communication Design
Academic interests

Graphic Design

My Courses

Portfolio COMD4801 Fall Term – 2016

Portfolio COMD4801 Fall Term – 2016

Development of each student’s strategy for entering the design profession through creating a professional portfolio. Students develop personal branding and web presence, individual promotion pieces, resume writing and design, and we address job search strategies in your chosen design field.

GRA 2330 Digital Photography Thursday Spring 2014

GRA 2330 Digital Photography Thursday Spring 2014

This course will explore the foundational concepts of light and exposure in photography. Students will develop visual literacy as well as framing and compositional skills. Students will become acquainted with a wide range of contemporary photographers and gain an understanding of how photographic style transforms subject matter into meaning. Using professional lighting equipment and cameras, the student will gain hands-on experience capturing digital images in the studio as well as on location. Students will also learn professional methods and software to manage, process and print digital images.

COMD2327 Typography 2

COMD2327 Typography 2

Design superstars at Citytech learning how to use Typography to create effective design and communications

COMD4900 Internship, FA2016

COMD4900 Internship, FA2016

Internship in Communication Design Assignment to field work/study situations of approximately eight to ten plus hours per week at a graphic arts-related internship site approved by the department internship director. Sites may be in areas such as advertising, printing, corporate communications or publishing. Students keep a log/journal to be shared in group seminars/discussions. Supervision is by faculty and by the job supervisor. Students will be required to keep a learning journal of their internship in the form of a blog using Openlab.

COMD3503 Spring2016 Topic in Graphic Design

COMD3503 Spring2016 Topic in Graphic Design

Explores the role of graphic designer in contemporary visual communications with related design assignments and research. Graphic design trends; the impact of computer technology; examination of the work of major 20th century designers; global graphics; the ongoing dialogue between advertising and graphic design. A large emphasis will be placed on awareness of the design world by observing the principles of design in our community: books, publications, web sources, museums and graphic art organizations. Students are expected to gather reference materials for all their projects and are encouraged to use the library resources.

My Projects

K.Padmore Learning Center

K.Padmore Learning Center

The K. Padmore Learning Center is created to help public school students reach their full potential in their academic achievements. We provide tutoring in subjects including math, science, English and history. We encourage students to participate in our program because we want to see them feel excited about learning.

Conroy’s Design Company

Conroy’s Design Company

A design company that creates logos, web design, and advertisments for clients.

My Clubs

Conroy Cui hasn't created or joined any clubs yet.