Brian Ballie’s Profile

Active 9 years, 4 months ago
1 to 2 (of 2)

Sp 2013 Introduction to Fiction

Jody R. Rosen
English|2001|Spring 2013

INTRODUCTION TO LITERATURE: FICTION ENG 2001 3 class hours, 3 credits Prerequisite: ENG 1101 Students will read and discuss works of fiction including novels, novellas and the short story; conduct research, […]

MECH3600 Mechanical Measurements and Instrumentation D220 Nakamura Fall2015

MECH3600 Mechanical Measurements and Instrumentation D220 Nakamura Fall2015

Masato R. Nakamura, Eng.Sc.D.
Mechanical Engi...|MECH3600|Fall 2015

This course teaches technique, equipment and measurement procedures used by Mechanical Engineers