Ashley Rodriguez’s Profile

Active 9 months ago
Ashley Rodriguez
Display Name
Ashley Rodriguez
Major Program of Study

My Courses

SPA 3302 – Survey of Modern Spanish Literature, Fall 2023

SPA 3302 – Survey of Modern Spanish Literature, Fall 2023

This course is intended for students with an advanced level of proficiency in Spanish. It covers a selection of works of Spanish literature (poetry, prose, drama) from the 19th century to contemporary times. Students are introduced to techniques of critical literary analysis. Class activities include group discussions, reading, and written assignments. Conducted in Spanish.

ARTH 1103 Survey of Art History

ARTH 1103 Survey of Art History

A History of Art and Architecture from the Prehistoric Era to the Present

Elements of Sociology

Elements of Sociology

An introduction in words, images, and moving pictures.

Writing Out Loud! COM 1330 / ENG 1101 FYLC, F 2019

Writing Out Loud! COM 1330 / ENG 1101 FYLC, F 2019

Writing Out Loud! Suzanne M. Miller and Sarah Standing (ENG 1101 and COM1330) This course explores effective and inspired communication through reading, writing, and speaking skills. Writing Out Loud! provides the space for students to discover and bring out the creative and innovative communicator within. Gen. Ed. Learning Outcomes: Communication, skills, integration, professional / personal development.

My Projects

Greece | BUF 3300 International Retailing

Greece | BUF 3300 International Retailing

“Students will gather supporting data and qualitative information. Each team of students then will synthesize the data and information and prepare a detailed written outline, reference list, and a comprehensive, integrative presentation on the textile and apparel complex for the selected region.”

My Clubs

Ashley Rodriguez hasn't created or joined any clubs yet.

Ashley's Friends

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