ARASOOL’s Profile

Biomedical Informatics
Student in the final year of Biomedical Informatics.
Planning to attain at least a Master’s if not Ph.D in the field of Informatics, and make a career in research.
Have taken various pre-health, Informatics and computer information system courses and plan to get an internship in the field of bioinformatics to get practical experience before I graduate.
I also got the opportunity to be one of the first peer leaders of Biology 1101 in the Fall of 2013.
My Courses
ARASOOL hasn't joined any courses yet.
My Projects
Reading Effectively Across The Disciplines – Biology
This project serves to disseminate material generated by the reading initiative of City Tech. Please feel free to contribute, discuss and take part.
My Clubs
Student Government Association
The Student Government Association is the representative body for students. We are responsible for recommending student activity fee allocations, shaping policies affecting student life, coordinating extracurricular events and chartering new organizations. Feel free to contact SGA President, Lucas Almonte, with any questions, suggestions or concerns. He can be reached at SGAPresident@CityTech.Cuny.Edu If you wish to start a club on campus contact SGA Vice President, Sylwester Dombroski, at SGAVP@CityTech.Cuny.Edu
BioMedical Informatics Student Club
The Biomedical Informatics (BIB) Student club exists to advocate, provide support and services to fellow Biomedical Informatics undergraduate students here at New York City College of Technology. We aim to assist students in gaining opportunities and discovering information that is relevant and beneficial towards the degree requirement of the program. Through the expansion of knowledge, workshops, field trips and invited speakers, we hope to give students the option to network and attain skills required for classes including the internship. This is a student-run club which is advised by faculty members, Professor Eugenia Giannopoulou and Professor Mai Zahran.