Wing Fung’s Profile

Active 4 years, 7 months ago
1 to 3 (of 3)
MAT 1630 Introduction to Computational Science, FA2019

MAT 1630 Introduction to Computational Science, FA2019

Johann Thiel
MAT 1630|Fall 2019

A project-based introduction to computational thinking and problem solving. Covers a wide range of topics, including data visualization, statistical techniques, simulations of dynamical systems, computational […]

MAT2540 Discrete Structures and Algorithms II, Spring 2019

MAT2540 Discrete Structures and Algorithms II, Spring 2019

Johann Thiel
MAT2540|Spring 2019

This course continues the discussion of discrete mathematical structures and algorithms introduced in MAT2440. Topics in the second course include predicate logic, recurrence relations, graphs, trees, digital […]

ESOL 021 W Spring 2017

Kelsey Fox
English|EL21W|Spring 2017

This is a second-level writing course in our three-level sequence. It connects reading and writing by asking you to read texts, discuss them, and write papers about them.