anthony gaudio’s Profile

Active 2 years, 5 months ago
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Building Technology II ARCH2331, S2022

Alexander Aptekar
ARCH 2331|Spring 2022

Resources for Building Technology 2 This site contains Assignment Discussion Questions and answers. References, Articles, and Link on: construction technology, codes, AutoCAD and software tools.

ARCH1231 BTECH I D551, SP2019

Lynn Gernert, AIA
ARCH1231|Spring 2019

An introduction to basic materials of construction and the fundamental principals of hand drafting and system analysis. The coursework includes surveying existing conditions, development of plans, elevations, and […]


Ardavan Arfaei, Lia, Darryl Cook
ARCH 3512|Spring 2021

Adaptive Reuse Studio

Building Technology II ARCH2331, FA2020

Alexander Aptekar
ARCH 2331|Fall 2020

Resources for Building Technology 2 This site contains Assignment Discussion Questions and answers. References, Articles, and Link on: construction technology, codes, AutoCAD and software tools.

ARCH1231 BTECH I, SP2019

J A Montgomery
ARCH1231|Spring 2019

An introduction to basic materials of construction and the fundamental principals of hand drafting and system analysis. The coursework includes surveying existing conditions, development of plans, elevations, and […]

ENG1101 COMP 1, S2016, Scanlan

Professor Sean Scanlan
English|ENG1101|Spring 2016

This is a course in effective essay writing and basic research techniques, including the use of the library. College-level readings are assigned for classroom discussion and essay writing. In addition, we will […]