Anny Baez Silfa’s Profile
City Tech Women Engineers Club
The mission of the City Tech Women Engineers Club is to promote awareness and interest in improving the enrollment, retention and graduation rates of women in the technology programs at New York City College of […]
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City Tech Radio Club is affiliated with American Radio Relay League (ARRL). It is your place for access to the latest activities and developments in radio electronics and public service radio communication. Further […]
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Cyberspace + Internet of Things + Robotics + Wearable Technology + Fashion Technology + WiTNY Program + Professional Development + Undergraduate Research + Peer Mentoring + Group Activities + FUN = City Tech […]
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Sky is the limit. Explore the universe with online remote controlled telescopes located around the world. City Tech Astronomy Club members can use the 10+ Slooh telescopes to conduct and participate in […]
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