Anna Lin’s Profile
Examine the role of management and leadership in hospitality and other service organizations. Identify both challenges and opportunities facing organizations such as responding to globalization, managing workforce […]
- OpenOpen
Overview of legal implication of acts by hospitality professional, employees, guests and visitors. Analysis of rights, responsibilities and risk management of hospitality industry establishments. Discussion of […]
- OpenOpen
- OEROpen Educational Resource
This course will focus on essential critical thinking, reading, and writing abilities that you will come to use in this class, in all of your other classes, and beyond, in the professionalized working world. The […]
This is the Open Lab site for Kieran Reichert’s Tuesday 6:00-8:30 section of ENG 1121 in the Spring 2020 semester. You will find the syllabus, readings, assignments, and any other information you may need here.
- OpenOpen
HMGT 1101 PARK FALL 2019 Friday D404
An overview of the history, likely directions and organizational structure of the hospitality industry and its role in local, national and global economies. Students are introduced to the nature and scope of the […]
- OpenOpen
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