Farhana’s Profile

Active 10 years, 3 months ago
1 to 3 (of 3)

Child Psychology Spring 2014

Pa Her
Social Science|2301|Spring 2014

This hybrid will provide an overview of the basic principles in development from prenatal to adolescent. We will review trends in contemporary research on physical, intellectual, emotional, and social development […]

Eng. 1101 – D388: College Writing

Eng. 1101 – D388: College Writing

Natalia Sucre
English|1101|Fall 2013

This course is designed to develop your reading, writing, critical thinking, and basic research skills. Together we will read, analyze and discuss a range of prose texts that will serve as a basis for your own […]

Intro to Women Writers-Hybrid Spring 2014

Jody R. Rosen
English|2150|Spring 2014

Official description: This survey course is designed to introduce both men and women to the writings of selected women writers, through readings by both major authors and less well-known writers. Issues of form, […]