angelyc’s Profile

Active 9 years, 5 months ago
Display Name
Major Program of Study
Architectural Technology

My Courses

ARCH3662 Gov Reg & App, SP2014

ARCH3662 Gov Reg & App, SP2014

This course familiarizes the student with the scope of the municipal agencies invilived in approving the costruction of a building in New York City. (More to come..)

ARCH4710UrbanDesign, SPRING 2014

ARCH4710UrbanDesign, SPRING 2014

This design course will cover a range of urban and architectural design issues. Students will explore both the theoretical and pragmatic aspects of design applied in an urban environment. As an advanced design class, this course will incorporate previous studio and lecture coursework to tie together topics of urban planning, architectural design, environmental sustainability and historic preservation.

My Projects

Urban Design Reference

Urban Design Reference

This project site provides various reference materials and links as a resource for courses at City Tech that are addressing urban design.

My Clubs

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angelyc's Friends

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