andrestavera’s Profile

Active 12 years, 9 months ago
1 to 3 (of 3)
Merrell WaterPro Sneakers

Merrell WaterPro Sneakers

Merrell, a footwear company founded in 1981 is a maker of high-performance hiking boots. Since then they have evolved into making all kinds different outdoor and sports gear. In recent years a sport has […]

A Thief in the Night

A Thief in the Night

This story is about a young lady making her way home when she is spotted by a thief. The thief tries to steal her as she walks through a dark street, but what the thief did not know was that she was a police […]

A Day In The Park

A Day In The Park

On a bright morning at a local park, Stephanie is leisurely jogging. She stops to pet the dog of a couple walking along the park. She continues to jog and along the way Marcus on his skates bumps into her.