Ana De Sa Martins’s Profile

Active 7 years, 8 months ago
Ana De Sa Martins
Display Name
Ana De Sa Martins
Major Program of Study
Hospitality Management
Academic interests

Hospitality Management

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My Courses

PSY3405 D920 ”Critical” Health Psychology, Fall 2015

PSY3405 D920 ”Critical” Health Psychology, Fall 2015

This course provides an overview of existing psychological and epidemiological findings on the relationship between behavior and disease. The course explores how behavior, emotion and cognition can influence disease processes and examines the impact of stress and perceived control of one’s destiny on coronary, immune and infectious diseases and symptoms. The biological processes of several relevant chronic illnesses are covered as well as related racial and social economic health disparities. Templates for understanding and treating chronic illness including social support, referral and interventions for optimal physical and mental health are discussed. The interdisciplinary theme of this course will provide an overview of extant literature on theories of health psychology within the context of critical race theory, epidemiology, research methods, philosophy of science, biological anthropology, sociology, as well as applied health/medical fields for an enriched understanding of the biopsychosocial approach to health and illness. Lectures and in-class activities as well as films, guest lecturers, and interactive computer programs make up this textbook-free course with required readings made available through CityTech’s OpenLab and Open Educational Resources (OER).

HMGT 1101 / E504 – Perspective in Hospitality Management

HMGT 1101 / E504 – Perspective in Hospitality Management

An overview of the history, likely directions and organizational structure of the hospitality industry and its role in local, national and global economies. Students are introduced to the nature and scope of the hospitality industry, basic terminology, management concepts, career path explorations and the department’s mission and culture.

hmgt4997 goodlad dagorn F16

hmgt4997 goodlad dagorn F16

This course provides an in-depth evaluation of “New World” viticulture and vinification. Wine making methods, service, laws and regulations of the major wine regions of North America, Australia, New Zealand, Chile, Argentina and South Africa will be studied. Students will taste and evaluate wines. Supported by a grant from the Julia Child Foundation, student will make wine at Red Hook Winery. Prerequisite: HMGT 2402

HMGT 4989-Culinary Tourism-Spring 2016

HMGT 4989-Culinary Tourism-Spring 2016

With New York City as a world food culture laboratory, students will explore the concept of culinary tourism and its economic impact on the tourism industry. Students will create, market and conduct their own NYC culinary walking tour. Students will co-create the Hospitality Management Department’s NYC Culinary Guide to Restaurants and Food Shops on Open Lab.

My Projects

HMGT 1101 E-504 Concierge Marketing Assignment

HMGT 1101 E-504 Concierge Marketing Assignment

Concierge Marketing Assignment/Brooklyn Bridge Park 20% of total grade Due _________ Task Participate in a tour and conduct research on a selected sight on the Brooklyn Water Front and collect digital images (still or moving) of that location to be used in promotional videos encouraging tourists to visit the promoted destination. Role and Audience As the Concierge of a Brooklyn boutique hotel, you and your local business development office are looking to promote sights on the Brooklyn Water Front. In collaboration with the site, you are interested in preparing a 1½-2 minute video of the Brooklyn Water Front to be aired on the in-room TV’s and to be accessed on the hotel’s web site by clients of the hotel. The clients of the hotel tend to fall into three demographic segments: • Note to faculty, feel free to change the demographic groups as long as 3 groups remain • Families with teen aged children from the East and West Coast of the United States • 26-35 year old affluent, single Europeans • 26-35 year old affluent Brazilians as part of a 1 month tour group visiting various large cities around the United States Expectations • Include accurate, factual information of the promoted Brooklyn Water Front site selected • Include a short summary (~175-200 words) about the video and the location including two references from reliable sources o APA standards must be followed o Address the expected needs of the tourist o Post the video to the course website, ensure to select the “Brooklyn Bridge Concierge Submissions” in the categories section Criteria for Assessment: See rubric Student Learning Outcomes At the completion of this assignment, students will be able to: • Gather, interpret, evaluate and apply information about the hospitality and tourism industries discerningly from a variety of sources • Derive meaning from experience • Utilize critical and creative thinking methods and apply problem solving strategies • Engage in high impact and industry specific written, electronic and oral communication

My Clubs

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