amrita maniram’s Profile

Active 10 years ago
amrita maniram
Display Name
amrita maniram
Major Program of Study
Radiologic Technology and Medical Imaging

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amrita maniram hasn't joined any courses yet.

My Projects

RAD 2325 Fall2014

RAD 2325 Fall2014

Open lab project



Our project proposal for documentation is to create a Zine-like webpage where Citytech students would be able to post any ideas freely. This would not only include writings but any art form such as painting, and drawing. Three sub-pages would be created: social, writing and art. The social sub-page would allow students to share daily events or ideas in a blogging form. The writing would include any students writings such as poetry, essays, projects, and short stories. Anything that they want to share without fearing judgement. The art sub-page would contain paintings and any other art form images such as photography. Creators: Amrita Maniram Francisco Cabreja Jefchy Rojas Naim Syla

My Clubs

amrita maniram hasn't created or joined any clubs yet.