Alyssa’s Profile

Active 1 months, 1 weeks ago
Display Name
Major Program of Study
Architectural Technology

My Courses

ARCH5112 F24 ARCH5212 SP25

ARCH5112 F24 ARCH5212 SP25

ARCH 5112 Architectural Design IX- ARCH 5212 Thesis

Building Technology II ARCH2331, S2022

Building Technology II ARCH2331, S2022

Resources for Building Technology 2 This site contains Assignment Discussion Questions and answers. References, Articles, and Link on: construction technology, codes, AutoCAD and software tools.

ARCH 1121 History of World Architecture | Fall 2021

ARCH 1121 History of World Architecture | Fall 2021

An historical survey of architecture from early civilizations to the start of the Industrial Revolution. Architecture is examined as an expression of the culture and life of a society. Class sessions study architecture from around the world within its social, temporal, and spatial contexts. While the history of Western architecture is covered from ancient Egypt to the Enlightenment, a special focus is directed to the architectures of the Far East, South Asia, Africa, pre-Columbian Latin America, the Islamic World, and elsewhere to provide a comprehensive overview of the richness and diversity of architecture as a cultural artifact.

ARCH3522 History of NYC Arch, SP2023

ARCH3522 History of NYC Arch, SP2023

A historical analysis of the city’s infrastructure, real estate development, municipal planning, ordinances and key buildings using the comparative method. The class will trace the course of architectural history from the village to the present role of the city as the commercial and cultural hub of the nation. This course will stress the dynamic socio-economic determinants emerging as a result of improvements and growth in technology, transportation, infrastructure, real estate, commerce, housing and recreation.

ARCH1101.470: Introduction to Architecture

ARCH1101.470: Introduction to Architecture

The study of architecture begins by developing a visual literacy of the built environment. Using New York City as a living laboratory, students explore concepts of design, composition, and construction in the context of the city by sketching and writing about their direct experience of buildings. Accompanying lectures focus on freehand drawing techniques, concepts of composition, writing about buildings and their construction, and reading architectural drawings. As a co-requisite of Design Foundations and a pre-requisite of Building Technology and architecture history, students are exposed to various styles of architecture and methods of construction found in the city. Along with developing graphic skills, students will build the basic foundation to talk, write, and graphically express architecture and its construction.

My Projects

Augmented Reality in Information Design

Augmented Reality in Information Design

A collaboration space for Emerging Scholars working on Augmented Reality in Information Design research projects.

My Clubs

Architecture Club

Architecture Club

For over 30 years the Architecture Club has been one of the most influential clubs on City Tech’s campus. Each semester students and club members’ gain valuable knowledge from speakers who are invited to come and share their architectural experiences with the club. However, class lectures are no substitute for the personal, eye opening experiences that a field trip can bring.