Alicia R’s Profile

Active 2 years, 8 months ago
1 to 4 (of 4)

BIO2312 LAB, Spring 2019


This course will fulfill one of your writing-intensive requirements. You will be expected to complete several writing assignments, both in lab and lecture. These assignments will vary from a few sentences to long […]

ENG 2001 Introduction to Fiction, Fall 2020

Professor Sean Scanlan
ENG2001|Fall 2020

In this course, we will study fiction across genres, eras, and locales. We will examine broad themes such as moving, marriage, home, and the individual.

ARTH1103 Intro Art History F2019

Sandra Cheng
ARTH1103|Fall 2019

An introduction to art and architecture from ancient to modern times. The art of Western and Eastern cultures is considered. Additional description for this section: This course is designed to get you […]

THE 2180 Introduction to Theatre, Spring 2020

THE 2180 Introduction to Theatre, Spring 2020

Professor Standing
THE 2180|Spring 2020

to be filled in later