Aaron’s Profile
CET4773 | Fall 2024| Dr. Mendoza
Technologies, protocols, and techniques used to connect a computer network with other networks through the use of gateways that provide a common method of routing information packets between the networks. […]
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MAT2680 Differential Equations Fall 2022
An introduction to solving ordinary differential equations. Applications to various problems are discussed.
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- CloneableCloneable
A continuation of MAT 1475. Topics include Taylor polynomials, Mean Value Theorem, Taylor and Maclaurin series, tests of convergence, techniques of integration, improper integrals, areas, volumes and arclength.
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- CloneableCloneable
ENG2001, Prof Maz Intro to Fiction, FA2020
Analysis and critical understanding of selected fiction. Exams and essays based on readings.
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Topics include functions, limits, differentiation, and tangent lines, L’Hôpital’s Rule, Fundamental Theorem of Calculus and Applications.
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