alexandra10’s Profile

Active 9 years, 1 months ago
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Major Program of Study
Law and Paralegal Studies

My Courses

BIO1101 Lab

BIO1101 Lab

The BIO1101 laboratory course is an introduction to laboratory techniques and their application to the understanding of general biological concepts. It focuses on the fundamental principles of biology, including taxonomy, structure, reproduction, heredity, development and evolution. The concepts of molecular biology and DNA fingerprinting using representative plants and animals are introduced. The course also includes the use and care of the microscope. Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of the BIO1101 lab, the students will be able to: 1.To learn to be observant and to develop and sharpen those observational and critical thinking skills through inquiry.. 2.To discipline yourself to develop good record-keeping skills, required to be successful in any career you plan to pursue. 3.To learn to think analytically about the observations you have made – to be able to: a.analyze a problem and focus on a hypothesis to be tested. b.determine the best way of testing the hypothesis, and using creativity to solve problems, including interpretation of data. 4.To communicate your findings about the processes studied and results obtained in ways appropriate to the biological sciences, both in written and oral formats. 5.To become familiar with the use of computers to gather, discuss and analyze data 6.To work on collaborative projects and also in teams.

Estates, Trusts and Wills

Estates, Trusts and Wills

LAW 2301 Estates, Trusts and Wills Spring Semester 2013

ENG 3401 D554 Law Through Lit FA2015

ENG 3401 D554 Law Through Lit FA2015

A literature course examining themes associated with law and government.

My Projects

Our Places: How We Commemorate

Our Places: How We Commemorate

This project features the photographs and writing of students in LAW 2301 Estates, Trusts and Wills, showing the varied ways that the inhabitants of New York City and elsewhere commemorate decedents.

Statutes and Statues

Statutes and Statues

This site contains the research of students in Professor Mary Sue Donsky’s LAW 2301 Estates, Trusts and Wills class, SPRING 2014.

My Clubs

Student Government Association

Student Government Association

The Student Government Association is the representative body for students. We are responsible for recommending student activity fee allocations, shaping policies affecting student life, coordinating extracurricular events and chartering new organizations. Feel free to contact SGA President, Lucas Almonte, with any questions, suggestions or concerns. He can be reached at SGAPresident@CityTech.Cuny.Edu If you wish to start a club on campus contact SGA Vice President, Sylwester Dombroski, at SGAVP@CityTech.Cuny.Edu

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