Abraham Kela’s Profile

Active 10 years ago
Abraham Kela
Display Name
Abraham Kela
Major Program of Study
Law and Paralegal Studies

My Courses

MAT 1272 Statistics, SP2014

MAT 1272 Statistics, SP2014

This course provides an introduction to statistical methods and statistical inference. Topics include descriptive statistics, random variables, distributions, sampling, estimation and inference, t-tests, chi-square tests and correlation.

ENG 3401 Law thru Lit Fall 2014

ENG 3401 Law thru Lit Fall 2014

This course examines literary texts that deal with issues of law and ethics.

Math 1272 Statistics, Spring 2014

Math 1272 Statistics, Spring 2014

An introduction to statistical methods and statistical inference. We will discuss such topics as descriptive statistics, random variables, distributions, sampling, estimation and inference, t-tests, chi-square tests and correlation. (Image shows scatter plots of heights/weights of all NFL players. Obtained via http://imgur.com/FBFKSdB)

My Projects

Statutes and Statues

Statutes and Statues

This site contains the research of students in Professor Mary Sue Donsky’s LAW 2301 Estates, Trusts and Wills class, SPRING 2014.

My Clubs

Abraham Kela hasn't created or joined any clubs yet.