abdoul_wade’s Profile

Active 9 years, 9 months ago
1 to 3 (of 3)
ARTH 1103 Survey of Art History

ARTH 1103 Survey of Art History

Michael J. McAuliffe

A History of Art and Architecture from the Prehistoric Era to the Present

Prof Cheng’s Spring 2013 History of Photography

Sandra Cheng
Humanities|ARTH1100|Spring 2013

This course surveys the history of photography from its beginnings in the early nineteenth century to the present. We will examine the use of photography for aesthetic, documentary, and “scientific” purposes, sty […]

ENG2200 American Lit I, FA2014

ENG2200 American Lit I, FA2014

English|HD44|Fall 2014

American writing from the Colonial beginnings to the middle of the 19th century, with emphasis on the literature as an expression of the cultural and intellectual life of the times. Exams and essays based on readings.