Mater’s Profile

Active 7 years, 3 months ago
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Major Program of Study
Electrical and Telecommunications Engineering Technology

My Courses

Complete Dentures RESD 2311

Complete Dentures RESD 2311

A study of the principles and procedures of constructing a maxillary immediate denture and a surgical template. Also fabricating a Hader Bar and clips for an overdenture mandibular denture completed.

ENG 3407 Gothic Literature and Culture, S 2017

ENG 3407 Gothic Literature and Culture, S 2017

Gothic Literature and Visual Culture

ECON2505 Environmental Econ, secD728, SP2015

ECON2505 Environmental Econ, secD728, SP2015

This interdisciplinary course examines current environmental issues from a macroeconomic perspective, focusing on both the long and short-term economic viability of various proposals to address current environmental challenges. While the discipline of Economics serves as a central focus, the course draws extensively from the perspectives of Sociology, Architectural Technology, Environmental Control Technology, Hospitality Management (sustainable tourism), and Sustainable Technology. Traditional goals of economic efficiency will be examined in the context of the need to expand renewable energy sources, green building design and construction, sustainable agriculture and trade, resource allocation and other efforts to combat climate change on a global scale. It focuses on both the long and short-term economic viability of various proposals to address current environmental challenges drawing upon the inherent interdisciplinary connection to these vital economic issues.

Statistics with Probability

Statistics with Probability

A 3 credit but 4 hour introductory course. Topics include sample space, expectation and variance, binomial, Poisson, normal, student and chi-square distributions, confidence interval, hypothesis testing, correlation and regression. Students do 3 projects, 1 individual and 2 in groups and choose one of the group projects to present at the end of the semester. The extra classroom hour is designed to facilitate a hands-on feel to the course including a heavy use of MS Excel. Image courtesy of:

My Projects

CUNY Service Corps

CUNY Service Corps

The CUNY Service Corps will mobilize CUNY students, faculty and staff to work on projects that improve the short and long-term civic, economic and environmental sustainability of New York City and of its residents and communities. The program’s goals are three-fold: for students to make a meaningful difference through service while gaining valuable real-world work experience, earning a wage, and where appropriate, receiving college credit; for faculty members and staff, through their work with students in the program, to have additional opportunities to apply their expertise to addressing many of the city’s key challenges; and for residents, communities, and project sponsors to realize concrete benefits as a result of CUNY Service Corps projects.

My Clubs

Theatreworks City Tech

Theatreworks City Tech

Theatreworks, the resident theatre company at New York City College of Technology, is composed of students, alumni, faculty, staff and community members. Founded in 1974, Theatreworks has been recognized in the media and theater circles for its commitment to professionalism in performance, technology and the advancement of multicultural casting and crews in plays, videos, musicals, dance and other events. This unique approach to theatre has given Theatreworks citywide recognition and an audience from the greater New York area. Theatreworks is now performing in the state-of-the-art Voorhees Theatre, where a haunted hotel, the Gravesend Inn, has opened each October to hundreds of spectators for over 13 years. Each spring semester a resident group is hosted on campus to work with the Theatreworks students. Student technicians receive valuable training by participating in the lighting, sound, costume, video, publicity and scenery crews for performances each year. Theatreworks alumni can be found in the professional theater, in television and concert venues, and working with many theater-related companies in their respective communities. For further information about Theatreworks, call Professor Chip Scott in the Entertainment Technology Office in the Voorhees Building, room V 205, at 718.260.5590 or email