Alyssa Dana Adomaitis’s Profile

Active 9 months, 2 weeks ago
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Office of the Provost

Office of the Provost

Kim Cardascia

City Tech’s Source for Academic Affairs Information

BUF 3300: International Retailing Estilo Dominicano

BUF 3300: International Retailing Estilo Dominicano

Camila, Kelley, cgeorges, Zahira, Lisette

BUF 3300 International Retailing. This group project solely focuses on the interrelationships and interdependence between the Dominican Republic and other areas of the globe, including geography, climate, […]

Writing Across the Curriculum

WAC encourages courses throughout the college to incorporate formal and informal writing into the course practices and requirements. Avatar retrieved from Bridgeline Digital, Creative Commons License

L4: Living Lab Learning Library

Welcome to L4, a virtual resource exchange of innovative teaching practices. To see all that L4 has to offer, please click on the “Visit Project Site” link.

International Retailing – South Korea

ChiWai Li

Create an international retailing website for the class of Spring 2021.

WAC Digital Initiatives: Writing Intensive Certification

Alicia Andrzejewski

Current and potential writing intensive (WI) course instructors now have the opportunity to complete the certification process online, in a fast-tracked method well-suited to some faculty members’ crammed […]

International Retailing BUF 3300 – Dakishana Incorporated (Japan)

International Retailing BUF 3300 – Dakishana Incorporated (Japan)

This international retailing website showcases the traditional Japanese, Kimono, as an indigenous/native product from Japan. This project especially focuses on the interrelationships and interdependence among the […]

Jamil Almalakii جميل الملكي

Bai Ngai

BUF 3300 International Retailing

International Retailing BUF 3300 – Relive Old Dreams (China)

International Retailing BUF 3300 – Relive Old Dreams (China)

Michelle Wu Feng

The ”Relive old Dreams ”brand introduces traditional Chinese hanfu and cheongsam on international retail sites. As a native/indigenous product from China. This project focuses on the interrelationships and […]

BUF 3300 International Retailing: La Pollera Colorada (Peru)

Shana Cromwell-Ramnarain

La Pollera Colorada is a brand dedicated to the culture of the Peruvian Pollera. This group project serves as an evaluation of the country of Peru in it’s retailing practices of the country’s traditional skirt, b […]

shaimelys Marcano’s ePortfolio

Shaimelys Marcano

Here one will see the collection of projects completed in the time span of 4 years.

InternShip Eportfolio

Liana rodriguez

Eportfolio about my degree of Business and Fashion of Technology and the requiremnts needed to complete this degree.