
We created the first geometry yesterday.

How do you like mastercam?

Home Discussion > DS04

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11 Responses to DS04

  1. mgreenstone says:

    It is very inconsistent.

  2. alsmall says:

    From what I’ve seen I like Mastercam quite a bit, I will like it even more once I understand it.

  3. I enjoy MasterCAM. I find the material interesting.

  4. Nicholas says:

    MasterCam was invigorating!

  5. Nicholas says:

    Please help create the arcs, from Ex 02

  6. This is Wonderrful, Perfect and Attactive

  7. Bacchus says:

    It is difficult at times!

  8. Anita says:

    So far I’ve liked mastercam, the idea and possible uses involved are good. Nevertheless, allowing a bit more time as a user to get a better perspective on it.

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