Category Archives: Coursework

Ethics entry 1

Michael Davis Jr.



Entry 1



Michael Davis Jr.



Entry 1 



                At my Internship from day 1, I agreed to the AIGA with the agreement from my site coordinator on work produced and the functions of the classroom I taught. I was told by my site coordinator that I needed to run a classroom related to art working on a project that could be displayed showing the artistic talents that were developed, and the imagination of the kids.

                As far as placing company Logos in the work that was presented. I did not have to worry about that as far as what the kids were working on because we did not have to use any logos as it was their work. However, when it came to PowerPoint presentation, my site coordinator did not want any of the company’s logos on my presentation because, he didn’t want any ties with the company or any problems. The only thing that made it onto my PowerPoint about the company was the shirt the specialist wore to represent the organization.

                I did not have to sign any confidentially agreement with my organization. However, I was told not to have their logos on presentations I had for class. SO with that in mind I didn’t add any logos from my internship. And even tried to refrain from using the organizations name a lot.


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