Career Writing and Design Projects

As discussed in my Professional Career page,  this page gives an insight of the professional writing I have successfully completed throughout my career.


Cancer Awareness: Drawing Connections from a Distance, October 2020

When I was promoted to a Computer Graphic Artist Level I with the Medical Insurance and Community Services Administration (MICSA) Training Unit at NYC Human Resources Administration, I decided it would be a generous idea to design a brochure for all Cancer Awareness. When doing the research, I looked the color theme that would be appropriate for the topic and I learned that lavendar is the color that represents all types of cancer awareness. In addition, I wanted to pick a topic that was relevant to a current event that was linked to cancer awareness which was the COVID-19 pandemic. That is why I cam up with the title “Cancer Awareness: Drawing Connections From a Distance”.  I designed the ribbon you see below in Adobe Illustrator and the brochure was created in Adobe InDesign along with links to other sources on cancer awareness. Click on image below to view the brochure.

Things to do in NYC for Summer 2020, July 2020

During the COVID-19 pandemic, I designed a brief seasonal guide with a list of event dates and websites on virtual and outdoor summer events in NYC that was useful for the training staff at MICSA.

2018 Monthly Calendar for Trainers

Every year, the training staff needs a yearly calendar to keep a record of their room booking schedules, vacation schedules, and training schedules. Therefore I took the initiative to create a calendar in Microsoft Word using table formatting and design. I also created a little calendar icon that is displayed next to the calendar month and year. To be on track with my design themes, I made sure I was consistent with my designs in terms of even shapes, alignment, and color contrasts. In addition, I chose a color that best represents each calendar month just to make each month stand out. It was intended to make it organized, simple, and appealing for the trainers to use.








Cancer Awareness Month: Never Too Early = Never Too Late, October 2020

Every October the training staff celebrates Cancer Awareness Month. To create an informative and useful health brochure, I do research through the world wide web and summarize information from the most popular health sites such as Web MD and National Cancer Society. I include the latest information discovered that will help the audience be aware of new cancer solutions and feel encouraged to protect themselves and connect with others. For October 2017, I came up with a theme that relates to early cancer detection which was “Never Too Early = Never Too Late.”  I believed it would be good theme for the staff to focus on and there was current research I found relating to that theme. The brochure was designed in Microsoft Publisher.

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2017 Summer Events

My project for the 2017 Summer Events, is a summer catalog I created for the training staff at my job. The purpose of this catalog was to provide an initiative to staff where they can experience fun entertainment or engage in summer activities. The most rewarding part of this project for me is that I created the catalog using Adobe InDesign and learned how to use new software tools. In addition, I used my own photos and images of the places I visited such as Six Flags Great Adventures and New York Botanical Garden. The staff I work with found the summer guide to be useful and have visited some places that were listed.

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Training Documents

Strategies to Deliver Your Training, March 2019 Edition

The original guide I created for Strategies to Deliver Your Training was revised to include helpful content such as Principle Elements of Visual Presentations. I first met with training directors and managers on what topics would help trainers improve and make their training more effective for their staff. In addition, I trained the interns on how to do the research and gather information on certain areas such as Learning Management Systems and other advanced presentation software.

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Strategies to Deliver Your Training, January 2018 Edition

At the beginning of each year, I create a training guide for the staff trainers at the city agency I work for, Human Resources Administration (HRA). The way I organize information that is suitable for them by coming up with a unique concept that can be attached to their learning style. For this project, I decided to reach out to the trainers to think of using proper training strategies as if they were their training wheels. With the help of online research, I speak of strategies as their training wheels, I speak of the balance in which they use their strategies and choose how and when to deliver them as needed. The goal for them in this guide is to learn how to use training strategies to lead the audience in the right direction throughout their training sessions.

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Microsoft Word: Diagram of Basic Software Tools and Keyboard Shortcuts, January 2017

I created this diagram to help staff including management, trainers, and interns understand how to use basic Microsoft Word software tools for common administrative tasks such as typing and editing documents. I have received positive feedback from management and staff on how useful this chart is to easily locate functions they need to know to perform word processing tasks.

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