Internship COMD 4900 Blog: Week 9 (Part 3) – Practicing Mindfulness

Assigned on: October 30th, 2024
Topic: Project Management Solutions and a Creative Boost

The apps have ways to help those stressed to sooner figure out what to do and when to do it. Likely especially helping those with Choice Paralysis. After I took a look at these apps, I’ve seen TED Talks before. TED Talk videos have been very useful for me as of late, understanding more on the topic of what my classes are trying to teach me. One that stood out to me is “The Danger of a Single Story”. It talks about how stereotypes hurts due to generalizing things, often people of various descents, assuming they’re all the same or various locations are completely helpless or different to a place like the US. Another TED Talk that helped was someone on the spectrum being so terrified to present at a TED Talk and asked for advice. First getting the usual advice to just memorize their notes but another bit of advice they got was to forgo it because not everyone on the spectrum can just do that. Thus, the presenter put the pages of notes on the floor and just winged it, improvising on the spot from their experience and what they know. It reminds me how I just often improvise when I do presenations or just papers I write. While annoying, I notice what I say not planned might be way better than what I originally had. Also there was ones on periods too, and calling out the fact they’re still taboo in this day in age and period poverty being something people shouldn’t ever go through.

So looking back at all of this, and the app I likely will have out of all of these would be TED Talks due to prior experience and feeling like it can cheer me up and motivate me on a bad or bored day.