Class Day: Oct 16th, 2024 (In Person Meeting to make up for a sudden Asynchronous Day)
Log Keeping Days: Oct 16th – Oct 22nd
(I fell a bit behind on Blogs, so at this time, there’s 1, 2, 3’s incomplete and I’ve jumped to writing 7. I’ll make up for it, just wanna log Week 7 so I won’t forget, will get to the others as I look back on my emails to recall what exactly was done and I will write down the event
log soon, too. I forgot to on a prior week and I signed up for 2 at one point, couldn’t do the one on Oct 11th in the evening due to my asthma causing me to not breathe well and I shockingly didn’t have my inhaler in my back and the next event is on Oct 26th, the day after my doctor’s appointment. Edit: 10/21/24, updated the missing blogs.)
On the 16th, during my Internship class when there was bits of downtime after I did classwork, I made a section on my eportfolio site here, for my portfolio, named “Creative Portfolio” and put some samples of my work from the Google Drive link I originally gave to the class as a temporary thing. (And have been adding other works I’ve been slowly and finally getting from my old Macbook). I did so due to getting an email from Professor Neugeboren that OpenLab is a option for a web Portfolio, so I decided to use it for budgeting reasons and may continue to do so as a backup until further notice.
Edited my new resume slightly to include the exact portfolio link (note this is also useful for my Portfolio class as well). I also submitted 2 resumes for the Membit Internship and the NYPIRG Internship before sleeping for the night.
On the 17th, joined a Zoom meeting about the COMD 4900 Internship class via my phone. Even if I’m already in it, I could learn something from it. [Especially since extremely hot weather made me miss the first class.] I’ve written down notes on my computer as I multitask listening/watching and updating this blog, haha. Later after the meeting, I applied to Unity for Equality as my professor also suggested in an email. After making a cover letter for it before I went out for an errand, I logged in my email to see I got a response on both ends from Membit and NYPIRG, asking for interviews. Made one for Membit on Tuesday in the evening and NYPIRG seems so for Monday so far, time unknown so far but hoping it’ll happen before my class at 2:15pm.
On the 18th, I got another response from the NYPIRG, for the interview asking if 11:30am is okay, to which I accepted. For the Membit Internship, I also got a response from, expressing interest in an interview with me so I made one for a time at 7pm for Tuesday and it’s through Google Meet. I realize with the NYPIRG, I wasn’t told where so it was likely on campus in G-411.
On Oct 21st went to the NYPIRG Interview for 11:30am. Seems to have gone well.
On Oct 22nd, had the interview with Jay van Buren via Google Meet for 6:30pm. It went well and I sent an email accepting their offer for the Internship position, along with additional questions I have, but I’m looking forward to it and finally starting my Internship class for real.