Internship COMD 4900 Blog: Week 2 – LinkedIn and Resume Edits

Class Day: Sept 4th, 2024 (Turned into a asynchronous day due to professor getting ill)
Log Keeping Days: Sept 4th – Sept 10th

Finally made a LinkedIn for networking purposes (I’ve been meaning to over the summer). Had to cut some sessions of building it short, due to not being used to how it operates but slowly and surely I’ll get used to it. (I still need to verify it, first time I tried, it didn’t work out so hopefully it will at a later time of trying again.)

On Sept 6th, I was told by my Portfolio (COMD 4801 D000) Professor, Professor Eli Neugeboren to edit my Resume, so overtime I’ve being trying to do such. Especially spent the 10th chipping at it for hours to make it all in one page, to look better presentable.