Internship COMD 4900 Blog: Week 5 (Part 2) – Still Resume Focused

Class Day: Sept 25th, 2024 (Zoom Meeting of 10mins~)
Log Keeping Days: Sept 25th – Oct 1st

I finished coloring my Personal Logo to use in my resume. I also send a email to Professor Goetz relating to my confusion on how to use LinkedIn properly.

On the 26th, I get a response saying the PDC (Professional Development Center) works more with that, so my questions should sooner go to them.

On the 30th, I spent hours after class to make a update wip on my resume using InDesign. As this is the deadline I was given to do so from Professor Goetz.

On Oct 1st, I get a response, saying she’ll talk to me more tomorrow during our Zoom meeting relating to it.