Exam #1 Review

A reminder that we will have Exam #1 this Wednesday (Oct 3). The exam will cover Sections 1.1-1.6.

See below for a list of HW exercises from those sections to review (as well as some additional  exercises that you can work through for additional review).  You should also review Quizzes #1 & #2 (solutions have been posted to Files).

  • Sec 1.1 (Propositional Logic):
    • #10, 14, 32
    • in addition review “exclusive-or”: pp5-6, #32(c)
  • Sec 1.3 (Propositional Equivalences):
    • #9, 10 (tautologies using truth tables)
    • in addition: review “satisfiability”: pp30-31, #61
  • Sec 1.4 (Predicates & Quantifiers):
    • #10, 18
    • Quiz #2
  • Sec 1.5 (Nested Quantifiers):
    • from HW#3: #4(b)(d), 10(a)-(c), 30(a)-(d)
  • Sec 1.6 (Rules of Inference):
    • read pp72-73
    • from HW#3: #5, 6 (similar to Examples 3-6)


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