Part II. At-home group work Tuesday 11/10/2020- Sunday 11/15/2020

This at-home group work will provide the basis for the next part of your project. It may be helpful to have a group representative take notes as you discuss the following:

Consider ways that you might collect dataabout the predictors and markers of success you selected during your brainstorming session. Consider the following:

  1. Sample – who will comprise your samples? How will you recruit them for your study? What information will you provide participants about your study? How many subjects will be appropriate to include in each sample?
  2. What kind of scale(s) will you use? Will the data be single point or intervals? What form will your variables take (e.g., raw numbers, percentages, averages)?
  3. Hypothesis – What do you think your predictors of success will show regarding the markers of success you are studying in your samples?           
  4. Methods – how do you plan to go about collecting these data from your samples? What exact procedures will your participants follow? How will you collect, organize, and store your data? 

Part III. Project Prospectus Summary email due Sunday 11/15/2020 5 pm

Please email the instructor with the following information. One email should be sent per group to: Be sure to include a list all group members.

  1. Give the predictors and markers of success you plan to study (both qualitative and quantitative for each).
  2. How do you plan to study these? Which specific measure(s) will you use? What kind of data will you collect?
  3. Describe the samples from whom you plan to collect data.
  4. Clearly state your hypothesis.
  5. Describe how your group would go about collecting your data. Be sure to include the exact procedures will your participants will follow.