MAT 1372/OL57 Statistics with Probability
T,Th 2 – 3:30 pm on Blackboard Collaborate
Instructor: Dr. Marianna Bonanome
Office Hours: Tuesdays/Thursdays 11 am-12 pm on Blackboard Collaborate
Prerequisites: MAT 1375 with a grade of C or better is pre- or co-requisite for the course.
- Introductory Statistics (Third Edition), by Sheldon M. Ross (Required)
- Statistics with Microsoft Excel (5th Edition), by Beverly J. Dretzke (Optional)
- Openstax Introductory Statistics (Optional)
Course Objectives: Topics include sample spaces and probabilities, discrete probability distributions (Binomial), expectation and variance, continuous probability distributions (Normal, Student, Chi-Square), confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, and correlation and regression. Spreadsheets are used throughout the semester.
Technology: Microsoft Excel with Tools: Data Analysis (comes with Excel). We will work extensively in Excel, you can access Excel online with your Microsoft 365 account (just log in using your CUNY credentials).
93.0–100 | A | 77.0–79.0 | C+ |
90.0–92.9 | A- | 70.0–76.9 | C |
87.0–89.9 | B+ | 60.0–69.9 | D |
83.0–86.9 | B | 0–59.9 | F |
80.0–82.9 | B- |
W = withdrawal up to Friday, November 6, 2020
WF = withdrawal after Friday, November 6, 2020 (WF = F)
Note: Students who are failing should consider withdrawing officially before 11/6/2020 to avoid an F or WF.
Homework (20%): Each week you will be assigned online homework to be completed in WeBWorK. All problems completed will earn points towards your homework grade.
OpenLab Assignments and Discussions (10%): You will be participating on this site by writing and making comments in response to assigned readings, homework problems, and so on. You will generally have 1 week to complete your OpenLab assignments. Grades for OpenLab assignments will sometimes be checkmarks and sometimes a score between 0 and 10 depending on the type of assignment. You can check the scores of your OpenLab assignments in the OpenLab Gradebook widget which can be found in the right hand column towards the bottom. You must become a member of our site in order to view your grades.
Class Project (15%): A class project will be assigned during the course of the semester. This project will be consist of data collection and analysis, a group presentation and an individual report.
Exams (30%): There will be 2 exams during the semester (not including the final). No makeup exams will be given. If you miss an exam for a valid reason, your final exam score will take the place of the missing exam.
Final Exam (25%): A final exam is given on the last day of class covering all topics. The final exam must be taken to pass the course.
All exam scores will consist of three components:
WeBWorK exam 33%, Written work 33%, Oral question 33%
WeBWorK exam: An exam in WeBWorK will be made available on the designated exam day.
Written work: Worked out solutions to the WeBWorK exam problems must be submitted in order to receive credit for the exam. These written solutions may be handwritten on paper and scanned into a single pdf document. The pdf of your written work must be submitted through Blackboard by the close time of the exam. Points will be taken off for every minute the pdf is late.
Oral question: I will schedule a short, private, 5 minute session with you where I ask you to describe your method for answering one of the exam questions.
Blackboard and OpenLab
General information on the course, homework, assignments and tests can be found on this site. You must become a member of our site in order to receive email notifications of announcements etc.
Our class meetings will take place on our Blackboard Collaborate course site. You can log in to Blackboard here.
Blackboard online help is available here.
You are expected to consult our OpenLab site and check your City Tech email regularly.
Help is available during my Blackboard Collaborate office hours Tuesdays/Thursdays 11:00 am – 12:00 pm and during online tutoring.
Academic Misconduct: includes (but is not limited to) giving or receiving assistance on a test, quiz, or homework assignment for which such assistance is not permitted, falsifying a document to obtain an excusal from a test, and using unauthorized notes on a test or quiz. A more complete definition of Academic Misconduct, see City Tech’s Academic Integrity Policy here.
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