Faculty Name | Section | Semester

Author: Marianna Bonanome (Page 4 of 19)

Lesson 24: Chi-Squared Test for Independence – Contingency Table

Hi everyone! Read through the material below, watch the videos, work on the Excel lecture and follow up with me if you have questions.


Learning Outcomes.

  • Determine if the data supports a hypothesis at a given significance level using known distributions.

Topic. This lesson covers: Chi-Squared Test for Independence – Contingency Table

  • Openstax Introductory Statistics
  • Introductory Statistics by Sheldon Ross, 3rd edition: Section 13.3
  • Statistics with Microsoft Excel by Beverly J. Dretzke, 5th ed., CHIDIST(x,df), CHIINV(p,df) P. 249 – 255

WeBWorK. Set 11.3


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Lesson 23: Chi-Squared Goodness of Fit Test

Hi everyone! Read through the material below, watch the videos, work on the Excel lecture and follow up with me if you have questions.


Learning Outcomes.

  • Determine if the data supports a hypothesis at a given significance level using known distributions.

Topic. This lesson covers: Chi-Squared Goodness of Fit Test

WeBWorK Set 11.2 – due 12/15 at 4 pm


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Lesson 22: Inference about a Population Mean with Unknown Standard Deviation

Hi everyone! Read through the material below, watch the videos, work on the Excel lecture and follow up with me if you have questions.


Learning Outcomes.

  • Determine if the data supports a hypothesis at a given significance level using known distributions.

Topic. This lesson covers: Inference about a Population Mean with Unknown Standard Deviation

WeBWorK. Sets 9.3-9.6 – due 12/11 at 4pm


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